Notebook parts info: Touchpad, Floppy drive

Logitech PS/2 Touchpad (Trackpad) for Notebooks
Type : 201051 or 221051
active area is 60 x 45 mm. (2.25" x 1.5")
Flex Cable Pinout:
1 +5 Vcc
4 20mSec Pulse Output (not used)
5 20mSec Pulse Output (not used)
6 Ground
7 NC
8 NC
Installing/removing R10 (1k) reverses orientation (flip hor. and vert.). A very common Touchpad in older (1997-2001) notebooks. Most notably is the Zilog processor on the backside.

TEAC FD-04HG or Panasonic JU-226A032F
1/2" Height 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive with 26-pin flexible cable connector.
Pin -- Function -- I/O
1 -- +5 Vcc
2 -- /index out
3 -- +5 Vcc
4 -- /DiscSelect in
5 -- +5 Vcc
6 -- /Disk Change out *
8 -- /Ready out *
10 -- /MotorOn in
12 -- /Direction in
13 -- Density-Speed in
14 -- /Step in
16 -- /WriteData in
18 -- /WriteEnable in
20 -- /Track 0 out
22 -- /WriteProtect out
24 -- /ReadData out
26 -- /HeadSelect in
15,17,23,25 Ground
7-9,11,19,21 NC
* = not supported by all drives or can be configured by jumper or solder pad

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